y Name is Mihail Kunchev, but most of the time they call me ‘THE NO-MAD’. For the past fifteen years I’ve been a part or in charge of some of the biggest reality TV shows in Easetrn Europe. Five years ago I decided to quit my executive job as a TV producer and started a journey around the world following the way of the warrior. The inspirational stories of the brave men and women I’ve met through my journey I’ve been sharing via my documentary series BJJ NO-MAD and THE NO-MAD CHRONICLES, some of which were selected for several festivals around the world.
I have always had the idea that I will die young. It’s not fear – it’s a belief that I still have, so when I turned 30 I decided that what I had in my life was not enough. I was building a career in the TV industry, I had some cash in the bank, but there was nothing I could leave as my legacy. So me and the Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt and traveler Dimitrios Tsitos decided to start a journey around the world, filming a documentary about the way of the warrior, called BJJ NO-MAD. I love what were doing with it, but from day one we had a very serious agreement that this documentary would never deal with politics or combat stories.
At the same time war history and the military life have always been something that facinated me and I needed a space where I can share my feelings about them. So that’s how THE NO-MAD CHRONICLES was born. It has the same flow as my other series, but with no limitations when it comes to the subject.
After the big success of the first three full length documentaries of the series “The hand of God”, “Contractor: the brother’s keeper” and “The MERCYnaries of war” I signed a contract for my first book “The pirate’s die young” with the biggest publisher in Bulgaria and it almost sold out for six months, being featured in a few “Monthly best sellers” charts.
Now I am mostly working on short documentaries about special forces groups around the world and my two upcoming books. Something I truly believe will make my little girl proud, when I’m gone.
Pirates die young!
My Name is Mihail Kunchev, but most of the time they call me ‘THE NO-MAD’. For the past fifteen years I’ve been a part or in charge of some of the biggest reality TV shows in Easetrn Europe. Five years ago I decided to quit my executive job as a TV producer and started a journey around the world following the way of the warrior. The inspirational stories of the brave men and women I’ve met through my journey I’ve been sharing via my documentary series BJJ NO-MAD and THE NO-MAD CHRONICLES, some of which were selected for several festivals around the world.
I have always had the idea that I will die young. It’s not fear – it’s a belief that I still have, so when I turned 30 I decided that what I had in my life was not enough. I was building a career in the TV industry, I had some cash in the bank, but there was nothing I could leave as my legacy. So me and the Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt and traveler Dimitrios Tsitos decided to start a journey around the world, filming a documentary about the way of the warrior, called BJJ NO-MAD. I love what were doing with it, but from day one we had a very serious agreement that this documentary would never deal with politics or combat stories.
At the same time war history and the military life have always been something that facinated me and I needed a space where I can share my feelings about them. So that’s how THE NO-MAD CHRONICLES was born. It has the same flow as my other series, but with no limitations when it comes to the subject.
After the big success of the first three full length documentaries of the series “The hand of God”, “Contractor: the brother’s keeper” and “The MERCYnaries of war” I signed a contract for my first book “The pirate’s die young” with the biggest publisher in Bulgaria and it almost sold out for six months, being featured in a few “Monthly best sellers” charts.
Now I am mostly working on short documentaries about special forces groups around the world and my two upcoming books. Something I truly believe will make my little girl proud, when I’m gone.
Pirates die young!